Free Download of Frost & Sullivan’s Unshackling the Power of SIP Trunking Report

Free Download of Frost & Sullivan’s Unshackling the Power of SIP Trunking Report

There is a fundamental change in business communications that is happening away from limited legacy telecom services and toward a new breed of SIP trunking service providers that are fast displacing incumbent voice carriers. This industry article focuses on the evolution of the SIP trunking and VoIP market and how developers are not able to innovate with telecom through calling and messaging APIs.

“SIP trunking effectively creates a new set of paradigms in business communications services. The defining distinctions that SIP trunking services have over legacy telephony services are in the unprecedented levels of flexibility, scalability, and control that enterprises can now have over their communications infrastructure. Businesses, third-party developers, and cloud application providers can now choose a level of management and control that meets their specific needs, which was simply never before possible with legacy voice carriers.”

– Michael Brandenburg, Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan

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